Moving charts to another worksheet

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Moving charts to another worksheet

When you create a new chart, it will always be inserted as an object in the current worksheet. However, you can change the position of a chart at any time:

To move a chart within the current worksheet, simply click on it and drag it to the desired position with the mouse:

If, on the other hand, you want to move the chart to a different worksheet, proceed as follows:

1.Click to select the relevant chart.
2.Choose the command Chart location chart_location_icon on the contextual ribbon tab Chart | group Position.
3.In the dialog box that opens, make the desired choice (see below) and confirm with OK.

The chart is moved accordingly.

Available options:

As new sheet

If you select this option, the chart will be moved to its own chart sheet. To do so, PlanMaker removes the chart from the current sheet, creates a new chart sheet for it and inserts the chart into it.
A "chart sheet" is a special type of worksheet that only contains the full-sized chart and does not contain any worksheet cells. It also only provides commands for editing charts.

As object in ...

If, on the other hand, you select this option, the chart will appear as usual as an object in the selected worksheet.