Working with custom number formats

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Working with custom number formats

If required, you can also define and apply your own number formats in the dialog box of the command group Number on the ribbon tab Home.

Defining and applying a new number format

To create a new custom number format, proceed as follows:

1.Select the table cells to which you want to apply the new number format.
2.On the ribbon tab Home | group Number, click on the group arrowgroup_arrow in the bottom right corner to open the dialog box, and switch to the Number format tab.
3.In the Category list, select Custom.
4.Click into the input field below Format.
5.Enter a text string that specifies the desired number format.
For a list of available format codes, see Structure of a custom number format.
6.Confirm with OK.

The number format is created (and also applied to the currently selected cells).

Tip: If you want to create a new number format that is similar to one of the predefined number formats, the following tip can save you a lot of work: After opening the dialog box, first click on the desired predefined number format in the Category list. This will transfer the corresponding format codes into the input field for the format codes (step 5.). All you have to do now is make your desired changes, and that's it.

Applying a custom number format

Once created, a custom number format can be applied to as many other cells as you like. Proceed as follows:

1.Select the desired table cells.
2.Open the dialog box on the ribbon tab Home | group Number group_arrow and switch to the Number format tab.
3.In the Category list, select Custom.
4.In the Format list, all custom number formats for the current document are displayed. Select the desired format.
5.Confirm with OK.

The number format will now be applied to the selected cells.

Deleting a custom number format

If you no longer need a specific custom number format, you can delete it at any time. Proceed as follows:

1.Open the dialog box on the ribbon tab Home | group Number group_arrow and switch to the Number format tab.
2.In the Category list, select Custom.
3.In the Format list, select the format to be deleted.
4.Click on the Delete button.
5.Close the dialog box (preferably using the Cancel button, since clicking on OK would apply the currently selected format to the current cell).

Note: The Delete button is only available for custom number formats. You cannot delete any of the predefined number formats.