Full screen view

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Full screen view

With the ribbon command View | group Windows | Full screen full_screen_icon, you can switch to the full screen view in which the program uses the entire screen to display the document. Presentations enlarges its program window to the full screen size. (All other toolbars are hidden in the classic menu interface.)

To exit this view mode, press the Esc key or choose the ribbon command View | Full screen again.

Using the toolbar of the full screen view

When you enable full screen mode, an additional mini toolbar appears on the screen.


The mini toolbar "Full screen mode"

The icons in this toolbar have the following functions (from left to right):

Show/hide ribbon

Show/hide sidebar

Enable/disable "Drag sheet" mode

If you enable "Drag sheet" mode, you can scroll your document using the mouse. Simply click into the document and drag the mouse cursor in the desired direction (with the mouse button still held down).
Note: Clicking on text to set the text cursor or selecting text or objects is no longer possible in this mode.
To exit "Drag sheet" mode, click on this icon again.

Show/hide rulers

Clicking on the Close button exits full screen mode.