Correcting words with old German spellings

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Correcting words with old German spellings

If, as described in the previous section, you have selected the option Underline old German spellings in blue, German words whose spelling was changed during the spelling reform are indicated with a blue underscore.

To correct one of these underlined words, just change its spelling manually or right-click on the word to open the spell check's context menu.

Android/iOS: In these versions, you can also open the context menu with your finger: Just tap on the screen and hold your finger there for about a second.

The context menu contains the following items:



List of

All spellings that are correct (according to the reformed German spelling rules) are displayed in the upper part of the menu. If you click on one of them, Presentations will replace the word in the text with it.


This option opens a dialog box with additional options and information. For more information, see Info command of the spell check.

Ignore word

The option ignores the supposed spelling error and removes the blue underline.


Use this option for words that are spelled correctly but should not be learned. When you exit Presentations, it "forgets" the ignored words.

Add word

This option instructs Presentations to add the word to the user dictionary.


Presentations remembers such words permanently; they will no longer be underlined in blue. (See note!)

Note: Use the command Add word only for those German words underlined in blue that are in fact correctly spelled according to the new German spelling rules. If you allow the addition of words with old spellings, rather than new spellings, you will be supplying Presentations with incorrectly spelled words.