Cross references

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Cross references

FreeOffice: The Cross reference function is not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice.

You can use the ribbon command References | Cross reference to insert a reference to a specific text element (for example, a bookmark) into the text.

This command inserts a field that displays, for example, the page number of the target text element. You can jump to this target element using the key combination Ctrl + left mouse button.

Cross-references can be created with respect to the following text elements:




Captions (for table, figure, image)

Cross-references to bookmarks are common in larger documents. Bookmarks can be placed anywhere in the document.

If, for example, you want to insert a cross-reference to the index at the end of your document, first put a bookmark at the beginning of the index. Type something like "See also the index as of page" in the desired place in the document, and add a cross-reference to this bookmark. The cross-reference now shows the number of the page on which the index begins.

Cross-references are updated automatically before the document is printed. If desired, they can also be updated manually with the ribbon command References | group Fields | Update fields.

See the following pages for more detailed information on working with cross-references.