Inserting cross references

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Inserting cross references

FreeOffice: The Cross-reference function is not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice.

To insert a cross-reference in the text, proceed as follows:

1.If you want to create a cross-reference to a bookmark, for example, you must first set a bookmark at the desired target position using the ribbon command Insert | group Links | Bookmark. For more information, see also Bookmarks.
2.Then move the text cursor to the position in the text where the cross-reference is to be inserted.
3.Choose the ribbon command References | Cross reference cross_reference_icon.
Alternatively: Insert | group Links | Cross reference
4.For Type, select the type of target position for which the cross-reference should be created: a Bookmark, a Heading, etc. In our example, it is a bookmark.
5.For Target, select the specific bookmark (or heading, etc.) to which the cross-reference should refer.
6.For Show, select the information which you want the cross-reference to display for the target position, for example, the Page, the Number, etc. (For more information, see "Options of the dialog box" below.)
7.Confirm with OK.

TextMaker now inserts the cross-reference into the text and you can jump to the target position at any time by clicking on the cross-reference with the key combination Ctrl + left mouse button.

(Android/iOS: In the context menu with the command Go to hyperlink)

Note: If cross-references are not displayed correctly, you have to update the fields, for example, by pressing the F9 key or by using the ribbon command References | Update fields.

Options of the dialog box

The options in the dialog box for this command have the following functions:


Here, you specify where to create the cross-reference: to a Bookmark, or a Footnote/Endnote, or a Heading or to a caption (Table, Figure, Picture).


Here, you select the target for the cross-reference. If, for example, you set the Type to Bookmark, a list of all bookmarks in the document appears here. Click to select the desired bookmark from the list.


Here, you specify what the cross-reference should show. Depending on the Type selected above, the program displays a different selection of the following options:
Page: The cross-reference shows the number of the page on which the target is to be found.
Number: The cross-reference shows the number of the target itself:
For footnotes or endnotes, the number of the footnote/endnote is shown.
For bookmarks or headings, however, the number of the paragraph in which the bookmark/heading has been set is shown. To do so, the paragraph must be numbered via the command Bullets and numbering (right-click to open the context menu and select the command). If this is not the case, the cross-reference displays a zero.
Text: The cross-reference shows the plain text of the target.
Relative position: If the target is above the current position of the cross-reference, the cross-reference displays "above". If the target is below, "below" is displayed.
The following options for Show only appear for captions that you can find in the above Type list as Table, Figure or Picture. This involves the sequentially numbered captions, such as those used to create a table of figures, rather than the objects themselves. (For more information, see section Captions and tables of figures.)
Full text: The cross-reference shows the label and sequential number of the caption. It also shows the explanatory text added to a caption. Example: "Figure 2: The larch"
Caption number: The cross-reference shows the label and sequential number of the caption. Example: "Figure 2"
Caption text: The cross-reference shows only the explanatory text that was added to a caption. Example: "The Larch"