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FreePDF: Changing the Font color is possible in FreePDF only for newly inserted text boxes.

Each text has two color settings:

Outline color (stroke color)

Fill color (interior color)

One of them can be invisible, but not both at the same time.

New Document01-012

New Document01-02

New Document01-03

Outline, no fill

Fill, no outline

Outline and fill

To change the text color:

1.Use the Text edit tool icon_tool_text-edit from the Quick access toolbar, and select the text that you want to edit.
Alternatively, select the Object tool icon_tool_object, and click on the text box that you want to edit.
2.On the ribbon tab Home | group Character, click on the arrow of the icon for font color icon_fontcolor to open its menu. Here, you can apply a Fill color directly from the predefined colors and apply an Outline color with the menu item below.
3.If you want to apply advanced color options, select More in this menu to open the dialog box Color Picker.
Colors for text as well as colors for objects are set via this dialog box Color Picker. For more information, see Changing color.