Font size

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Font size

FreePDF: Changing the Font size is possible in FreePDF only for newly inserted text boxes.

Change the font size of text on the ribbon tab Home | group Character.

Proceed as follows:

1.Select the Text edit tool icon_tool_text-edit in the Quick access toolbar and select the text whose font size you want to change.
Alternatively, use the Object tool icon_tool_object to click on the text box that you want to edit.
2.Click on the small arrow to the right of the Font size (marked in red here).
3.Set the desired font size:
The dropdown list offers the most common font sizes, which you can select via a mouse click. However, you can manually enter other values in the field at any time.
Tip: The icons character_font_size in the group Character can be used to increase or decrease the font size by one level.