Creating bookmarks automatically

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Creating bookmarks automatically

FreePDF: The Automatic Bookmarks feature is not available in FreePDF.

FlexiPDF can create bookmarks automatically. This is practical for long PDF documents without bookmarks.

Proceed as follows:

1.Use the ribbon command View | group Window | Sidebars dropdown_arrow | Bookmarks to show the Bookmarks sidebar.
2.Navigate to the page from which bookmarks are to be created automatically. If, for example, you want to omit the table of contents at the start of a book, go to the first page after the table of contents.
3.Click on Automatic Bookmarks icon_bookmarks_automatic-bookmark at the top of the Bookmarks sidebar.
4.If the PDF file already contains bookmarks, FlexiPDF asks if you are really sure about removing the existing bookmarks. If you click on Yes, the bookmarks will be created.
5.Creating the bookmarks may take some time. You can cancel the process at any time by clicking on Stop. The bookmarks that were created up to this point are retained.

If necessary, you can influence the creation of automatically generated bookmarks in such a manner that only text written in a specific font is considered. For more information, see the next section.