Editing images in other applications

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Editing images in other applications

FreePDF: The Edit image in other applications feature is not included in FreePDF.

FlexiPDF can send images to other applications (such as Photoshop or GIMP) to be edited. As soon as you save the image in the other application, FlexiPDF updates the images in the PDF file. This is useful if you want to quickly adjust settings such as brightness or contrast of images.

1.Select the Object tool icon_tool_object in the Quick access toolbar.
2.Select the image that you want to edit.
3.Choose the ribbon command Format | group Adjust | Edit icon_picture_edit and click directly on the icon itself.
The image will be opened by your computer's default editing program.
4.To open an image in a specific application, click on the arrow of the Edit icon_picture_edit icon and select Edit with in its menu.
5.Make the desired changes to the image and save it again.
6.FlexiPDF detects the changes and asks if you want to reload the image.