Locking objects

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Locking objects

FreePDF: The Lock objects feature is not included in FreePDF.

You can lock objects to avoid unintentional movement during editing. This is useful for complex pages with many overlapping objects.

Locking objects

1.Use the Object tool icon_tool_object from the Quick access toolbar and select one or more objects that you want to lock.
2.Choose the ribbon command Format | group Objects | Lock icon_objects_lock, or right-click on the object and select Lock Selection in the context menu.

If you have enabled the option Store layout info in PDF (see Options: Saving tab), objects will remain locked even after saving and reopening.

Unlocking individual objects

Select the Object tool icon_tool_object, and click on the locked object. You can confirm the unlocking in the following dialog box:

unlock object1

Unlocking all objects

Choose the ribbon command Format | group Objects | Lock icon_objects_lock, but click on the arrow of the icon to display its menu rather than on the icon itself. Select Unlock all here.