LINEST (statistics of a linear regression)

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LINEST (statistics of a linear regression)


LINEST(y_values [, x_values] [, Constant] [, Stats])


Returns statistics of a linear regression.

Linear regression is a statistical technique that adapts a line (called "trendline" or "best-fit line") to a set of data points (for example, the results of a series of measurements).

The equation for trendlines is:

y = m*x + b

The LINEST function calculates a trendline from the given y values and x values, and then returns an array in the form {m,b}. The coefficient m is the slope of the trendline, the constant b is the y-intercept point (the point where the trendline intersects the y axis).

If more than one range of x-values is given, the equation is:

y = (m1*x1) + (m2*x2) + ... + (mn*xn) + b

In this case, LINEST returns an array in the form {mn, mn-1, ... , m2, m1, b}.

Additionally, if the optional argument Stats is used, several statistics of the regression (standard error, coefficient of determination, etc.) are appended to the resulting array.

The LINEST function expects the following arguments:

y_values: Here you specify the existing y-coordinates, that is, the dependent values. y_values can be either a cell reference or an array.

x_values: Here you can optionally specify the x-coordinates, that is, the independent values. Also x_values can be either a cell reference or an array. If x_values are omitted, the values 1, 2, 3, ... will be used automatically. (according to the number of existing y_values).

Constant (optional) is a logical value that lets you specify if the constant b (the y-intercept point) should be calculated automatically or forced to equal zero:

TRUE or omitted: b will be calculated from the given data.

FALSE: b is forced to equal 0 (zero). This forces the trendline to run through the zero point. The m coefficient(s) are adjusted accordingly.

Stats (optional) is a logical value that lets you specify if additional regression statistics should be returned:

FALSE or omitted: Do not return additional statistics.

TRUE: Return additional regression statistics. In this case, a matrix in the following form will be returned:

{mn, mn-1, ... , m2, m1, b; smn, smn-1, ... , sm2, sm1, sb; R2, sey; F. df; ssreg, ssresid}

A graphical representation of this array would look like this:


The abbreviations used in this illustration represent the following values:



sm1, sm2, etc.

Standard error for the coefficients m1, m2, etc.


Standard error for constant b


Square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient


Standard error for y


F statistic


Degrees of freedom


Regression sum of squares


Residual sum of squares


Formulas using this function have to be entered as an array formula. For more information, see Working with arrays.


The linear regression is performed with this function using the least squares method.


LINEST({4; 5; 6}) provides the matrix {1.3}. This indicates that the coefficient m equals 1 and the constant b equals 3. (Since the x-values were not specified, the LINES function automatically uses the values 1, 2, 3, ...)

See also: