Configuring pivot tables with the field list

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Configuring pivot tables with the field list

In the field list, you have various options for changing the structure and appearance of your pivot table, which are explained in this section:

Field settings

The Field settings can be found in the Row labels or Column labels areas in the areas section of the field list. For this purpose, click on the dropdown menu dropdown_arrow to the right of each field. In the field settings, you can define if and how partial results are displayed and in which form the layout appears (outline form or tabular form); you can also change the field name here.

Value settings

Fields in the Values area have different setting components from the field settings in the row/column labels. They can also be opened in the Values area via the dropdown menu dropdown_arrow of the respective field and are called Value settings here. In the value settings, you will find a selection of evaluation functions and calculations as well as the desired number format for the displayed results. The field name can also be renamed here.

Pivot table settings

In the Pivot table settings, you can make advanced layout adjustments, define filter methods, select styles, set data usage and assign a name to the pivot table. You will find the pivot table settings located as a button below the areas section.

Defer layout update

You will find the option Defer layout update along with the Update button at the bottom of the field list. It allows you to "freeze" the continuous recalculation, and you can rearrange the fields between the areas without time-consuming calculations.

Please note: Changes to Field settings and Value settings are discarded when a field is removed from its area (back to the fields section or to another area of the areas section). Changes to Pivot table settings are retained.