Document properties, Options tab

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Document properties, Options tab

On the Options tab in the dialog box of the ribbon command File | Properties doc_prop_icon, you can make general settings for the current document:

"Text frames" section

Tab width

This option determines the tab width for text entered in text frames.

"Cell contents" section

Syntax highlighting

If this option is enabled, cells will be colored according to their content. This corresponds to the ribbon command View | Syntax highlighting. For more information, see Syntax highlighting.

Show formulas

If this option is enabled, cells containing a calculation will display the formula instead of the result. This corresponds to the ribbon command View | Show formulas. For more information, see Showing formulas.

Protection indicator

If this option is enabled, a small green triangle will be displayed in all unprotected cells when sheet protection is enabled. This makes it easier to see which cells may still be edited. For more information, see also Sheet protection.


If this option is enabled, automatic hyphenation is performed in all cells where the option Wrap text has been enabled in the dialog box of the command group Home | Alignment group_arrow. For more information, see also Hyphenation.

"Comments" section

Show indicators

If this option is enabled, a small red triangle is displayed in all cells that contain a comment (inserted with the command Insert | Comment). For more information, see also Using comments.

Always show comments

Normally, comments are displayed only when you hover with your mouse over a cell that contains a comment. If you enable this option, all comments in the current document will be displayed permanently.

"Decimal point after input" section

Move by ... decimals

If this option is enabled, numbers entered in cells will be shifted by the specified number of decimal places.
This is useful if, for example, many numbers with two decimal places have to be entered. If you set the number of digits to the value 2 and enter the number 42, this will automatically be converted to 0.42; the input 234 will be converted to 2.34, and so on.

"Window" section

Vertical scrollbar

If this option is enabled, a vertical scrollbar is displayed in the document window.

Horizontal scrollbar

If this option is enabled, a horizontal scrollbar is displayed in the document window.

Sheet tabs

If this option is enabled, the worksheet register with tabs for each worksheet is displayed below the document. These tabs can be used for switching between worksheets and creating/managing worksheets.

"Objects" section

Guidelines for text frames

If this option is enabled, non-printing gray lines are displayed around text frames. These lines make it easier to determine and change the position/size of text frames.

Show hidden objects

As described in the section Hiding objects, you can hide inserted objects on the screen, that is, make them invisible.
If you enable the option Show hidden objects, however, hidden objects that have the Visible property disabled will also become visible on the screen.

Default currency

Use this option to change the default currency of the current document.

Note: This option should be set to System default by default. This will ensure that PlanMaker uses the default currency from your system's country settings.

If you select a different currency, this will have the following effect:

Whenever PlanMaker automatically applies the Currency number format to a cell (for example, because it uses an arithmetic function that returns a monetary value), the currency set here will be used instead of the system's default currency.

Compatibility button

Here, you can make internal settings for compatibility with documents created in older versions of PlanMaker or in Microsoft Excel. These options are set automatically when the document is opened and should not normally be changed.