Using comments

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Using comments

If you choose the command group Comments on the ribbon tab Review, you can add a comment to the current cell – for example: "The data from the previous year still has to be entered here!".


To work with comments, proceed as follows:

Adding comments to cells

1.Click on the desired cell to which you want to add a comment.
2.Then choose the ribbon command Review | group Comments | Add comment_add_icon.
Alternatively: Insert | Comment, or even faster with the key combination Shift+F2.

Note: Comments appear with your name if you have specified it in the "Name" field for the User info (see Settings, General tab). If nothing is entered here, PlanMaker will now prompt you once for the current document.

Tip: You can edit the displayed name in the comment window just like any other content in this window.
3.The program will display a yellow box in which you can type the comment. When you have finished typing, click outside the yellow box or press the Esc key.

Comments are saved in the document, thus they are available again when you reopen the document.

Viewing comments

Cells with an attached comment have a red triangle comments_sample in their top right corner. If you hover your mouse over such a cell, the comment will be displayed. It will disappear if you move the mouse out of the cell.

Editing comments

To change a comment, select the cell that contains the comment.

Then choose the ribbon command Review | group Comments | Edit comment_edit_icon and make the desired changes in the yellow comment window.

Tip: Alternatively, double-click on the red triangle in the cell or press the key combination Shift+F2 to edit a comment.

When you have finished making changes, click anywhere outside the comment or press the Esc key.

Deleting comments

To remove comments from cells, select the relevant cells (you can also select several cells at the same time).

Then choose the ribbon command Review | group Comments | Delete comment_delete_icon. The comments will then be deleted.

Alternatively, you can also choose the command Home | group Contents | Delete delete_special_icon | Comments.

Finding comments

The command group Review | Comments contains two commands that you can use to jump back and forth between all comments in the document:

Previous comment comment_prev_icon jumps to the previous comment

Next comment comment_next_icon jumps to the next comment

Visually customizing the comment window

Resize: Use the round "handles" on the frame of the comment window in order to resize it. When you drag one of these handles with the mouse, the size of the object is changed accordingly.

Change position: Move the comment window by clicking with the mouse on its frame and dragging it to the desired position while holding down the mouse button.

Tip: The comment window can be customized like any other object with different colors, shades, etc. If you click on the frame of the comment window, you can edit it similar to a text frame using the contextual ribbon tab Object or the dialog box Object properties. For more information, see Text frames.

Comment visibility

You usually only see the comment window when you point to the relevant cell.

Thus, use the Comment visibility comment_visibility_icon button on the ribbon tab Review | group Comments if you want to display comments permanently.

Note: Comment visibility also affects whether comments appear in the printout. Only the permanently displayed comments are printed if the option "Print: Comments" is selected. This option can be found in the dialog box of the command File | group Print | Page setup on the Options tab. For more information, see Setting page format options.

The following commands are available in the dropdown menu of the Comment visibility button:

Show all comments

If you have added comments to several cells, all comment windows will be displayed (including on other worksheets in the document). If you click on the command again, they will be hidden again.
This option can also be found in the Document properties, Options tab as Always show comments.

Show this comment

Only the comment of the selected cell will be shown or hidden.

The Comment visibility button also has the following command:

Restore comment positions

If the position of one or more comment windows has been moved (by moving them with the mouse or by rearranging the cells), you can use this command to reset the comment windows to their original position. To do so, select the cells whose comment windows you want to move back to their original position.