Font and font size

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Font and font size

To change the font or font size, see the commands on the ribbon tab Home | group Character. Proceed as follows:

Via the buttons of the command group "Character"


1.Select the desired cells or text.

Android/iOS: If you are using these versions, please note that selecting cell contents works slightly differently there. For more information, see Selecting cells and cell content.

2.Click on the small arrow to the right of Font or Font size.
3.Set the desired font and font size:
Font: Select the desired font from the dropdown list via a mouse click.
Font size: The dropdown list offers the most common font sizes, which you can select via a mouse click. However, you can enter a different size manually at any time. Font sizes can be entered with a precision of a tenth of a point – thus font sizes such as 12.7 are also allowed.
Tip: The icons character_font_size in the group Character can be used to increase or decrease the font size by one level.

In the dialog box of the command group "Character"

If you only want to change the font and font size, these options in the dialog box are exactly the same as the buttons described above. Thus, it is only advisable to use the dialog box if you also want to use other character formatting options that are not available as buttons.

On the ribbon tab Home | group Character, you open the dialog box via the group arrowgroup_arrow in the lower right corner and select the Font tab in the dialog box.