Text styles

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Text styles

Text styles are character formatting options such as bold, italics, etc.

PlanMaker offers the following text styles:

Italic: A slanted variant of the font.

Bold: A stronger ("more pronounced") variant of the font.

Underline: The text is underlined (single, double, words only single, words only double, etc.).

SMALL CAPS: Smaller uppercase letters are used instead of lowercase letters.

ALL CAPS: All letters are output as uppercase letters.

Strikethrough: The text is struck through.

Superscripts and subscripts: for example, r2 and H2O. For more information, see Superscripts and subscripts.

Note: The 4 latter options are only available via the dialog box of the command group "Character" and not directly via the icons of the command group.

Common commands: Via the icons of the command group "Character"

The most common text styles can be applied on the ribbon tab Home | group Character directly via the icons of the group.


To apply text styles, proceed as follows:

1.Select the desired text.
2.Click on the icon for the text style you would like to enable or disable: B stands for bold, I for italics and U for simple underlining.

Text styles can be combined (almost) as desired.

Other options: Via the dialog box of the command group "Character"

For additional text styles that you cannot find via the buttons (e.g. SMALL CAPS), open the dialog box.

On the ribbon tab Home | group Character, click on the group arrowgroup_arrow in the bottom right corner and switch to the Font tab in the dialog box.

In the area Styles, you will find small caps, all caps and strikethroughs. These can be enabled or disabled there via a simple mouse click.

In the area Underline, you can use the dropdown list to choose between different options for underlined text.

To enable bold and/or italics, open the dropdown list Style (to the right of font size) and select the desired entry: Regular, Italic, Bold or Bold Italic.

Shortcut keys

There are also shortcut keys for some text styles:



















