Selecting in the Android/iOS version

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Selecting in the Android/iOS version

Selecting works a little differently on Android/iOS devices. You can use either your finger or a mouse. Proceed as follows:

Selecting cells

On Android/iOS devices, you can select worksheet cells as follows:
Tap on the start cell once (you should not see a blinking text cursor in the cell now). After a short pause, tap on this cell again, and keep your finger pressed down while you drag it to the desired end cell.
Tip: Use the ribbon command Home | Select all select_all_icon to select the entire worksheet.

Selecting only part of the cell content

To select only part of the content of a cell, proceed as follows:
First, double-tap on the cell to edit its content. Then double-tap the word in the cell with which you want to start the selection. The word should now be selected. This is indicated by the large "handles" that appear in front of and behind the word:
These two handles represent the beginning and end of the selection. To extend the selection to additional text, simply drag the two handles to the desired positions.

Selecting objects

To select an object (for example, a picture or drawing, etc.), simply click on it. A frame will then appear around the object to indicate that it is now selected.
To select all objects, switch to object mode (see Object mode).