Selecting in the Windows, Mac or Linux version

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Selecting in the Windows, Mac or Linux version

In the Windows, Mac or Linux version of PlanMaker, you can select cells and cell content as follows:

Selecting via the mouse

To select something via the mouse, proceed as follows:

Selecting cell ranges

You can select arbitrary cell ranges by pressing and holding down the left mouse button while you drag the mouse cursor over the cells to be selected.

Selecting whole rows and columns

An entire column can be selected by clicking on its column header. Column headers are buttons displayed above the worksheet (labeled A, B, C, etc.).
There are also row headers for each row, which are located to the left of the worksheet and are labeled 1, 2, 3, etc. If you click on a row header, the entire row will be selected.
If you left-click and drag the mouse cursor over several column or row headers, you can select multiple columns or rows at the same time.

Selecting the entire worksheet

The button in the upper left corner of the worksheet window (above 1 and to the left of A) has a special function: clicking on it will select the entire worksheet.
Alternatively, you can do the same via the ribbon command Home | Select all select_all_icon.

Selecting a single cell

To select a single cell, click on it, drag the mouse cursor to an adjacent cell, and drag it back again (while holding down the left mouse button).

Selecting non-contiguous cell ranges

You can also select non-contiguous cell ranges. To do so, hold down the Ctrl key and and then select the desired cell ranges with the mouse button. (Mac users: Cmd key)

Selecting only part of the cell content

To select only part of the content of a cell, proceed as follows:
First, double-click on the cell to edit its content. Then, drag the mouse cursor over the characters that you want to select (while holding down the left mouse button).

Selecting objects

To select an object (for example, a picture, a drawing, etc.), simply click on it with the mouse. A frame will then appear around the object to indicate that it is now selected.
To select multiple objects, switch to object mode (see Object mode).

Selecting via the keyboard

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard for selecting. To do so, proceed as follows:

Selecting cell ranges

To select a range of cells, hold down the Shiftñ key, and select the cells by navigating with the arrow keys.
If, for example, you navigate to cell B5, hold down the Shiftñ key and press â five times, cells B5 to B10 will be selected. For a list of all key combinations for moving and selecting within a worksheet, see Shortcut keys.

Selecting a single cell

To select a single cell, navigate to that cell, hold down the Shiftñ key, use any arrow key to select an adjacent cell and then return to the original cell.
From the cell to be selected and while holding down the Shift keyñ, first press the à key and then the ß key.

Selecting non-contiguous cell ranges

Non-contiguous cell ranges can only be selected with the mouse (see above).

Selecting only part of the cell content

To select only part of the content of a cell, proceed as follows:
Navigate to the cell and press the F2 key to edit its content. Then, use the arrow keys together with the Shiftñ key to select text in the usual manner.

Selecting objects

Objects can only be selected with the mouse (see above).