Editing and updating consolidations

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Editing and updating consolidations

FreeOffice: The Data consolidation feature is not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice.

Whenever you perform a consolidation using the command Data consolidation, PlanMaker remembers each setting that you made in the dialog box "Consolidate" (separately for each worksheet).

This enables you to choose this command again at any time, change some settings if required, and then perform the consolidation again.

Tip: The settings are even saved in the document, so PlanMaker will remember them the next time you open the document. (Small restriction: The Target range is not saved in xls files because this file format does not support it. However, it works for xlsx files, pmd files and pmdx files.)

Changing settings and performing the consolidation again

To change the settings of a consolidation and then reinsert its updated result, proceed as follows:

1.Choose the ribbon command Data | group Analyze | Data consolidation data_consol_icon.
2.Make the desired changes to the consolidation settings. You can even add new source ranges or remove existing ones.
3.Click on Apply to apply the changes.

The consolidation in the current worksheet will then be performed again, and its updated result will be inserted into the target range. Existing data will be overwritten.

Updating the results of a consolidation

If you just want to update the result of a consolidation (without changing any settings), proceed as follows:

1.Choose the ribbon command Data | group Analyze | Data consolidation data_consol_icon.
2.Click on Apply.

The consolidation in the current worksheet will then be performed again with exactly the same settings as the last time.