Replacing text

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Replacing text

FreePDF: The Replace function is not available in FreePDF.

If you want to search for a specific text to replace it with another text, proceed as follows:

1.Choose the ribbon command Home | group Search | Replace icon_search_and_replace.
Alternatively: In the search mask of the ribbon command Home | group Search | Find icon_search, click on the Replace >> button, which will expand the search mask.
2.Define the search term in the Find field as described in the Finding text section. If necessary, limit the search to specific pages and areas by clicking on the hyperlink all pages in current document.
3.Define the search
dialog - find replace - any text
4.Finally, select Replace or Replace All.


To find and replace the entered search text in a specific font, color or size, click Character formatting and reflow paragraph. For more information, see the next section Replacing formatted text.

If you want to find and replace only formatting such as a font, color, or size, and the content is irrelevant, remove the checkmarks from Find and Replace. To do so, read the section Replacing formatting only.