Detecting invalid data in cells

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Detecting invalid data in cells

The command group Review | Input validation provides commands that can be used to detect cells that contain an invalid value.

Note: A cell contains an invalid value if the command Input validation input_val_icon has been used to specify that the cell can only contain certain values, and the current cell content does not match this check. For more information, see Input validation.

To search for invalid data, choose the command group Review | Input validation and then use the following commands:


invalid_mark_data_icon Mark invalid data

This command inserts a red circle around each cell (in the current worksheet) that contains an invalid value.

invalid_remove_marks_icon Remove (invalid data) marks

This command removes all red circles (from the current worksheet) that were added with the above command.

invalid_previous_icon Previous invalid cell

This command jumps to the previous cell that contains an invalid value.

invalid_next_icon Next invalid cell

This command jumps to the next cell that contains an invalid value.


The marks for invalid data also appear in the printout.

However, the marks are not saved in the document. Thus, when you save a document and then reopen it, all marks are removed.