Adjusting page breaks manually

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Adjusting page breaks manually

Page formatting also includes the possibility of manually controlling the automatic page break if required.

Normally, PlanMaker includes the page break without your intervention: It automatically inserts a page break at the end of a printed page (depending on the page format you have set, see Setting page format). If you take a closer look at a worksheet, you will notice that some of the gridlines between cells are darker. These lines indicate where PlanMaker has inserted automatic page breaks.

Note: On the ribbon tab View | group View, enable the option Show page breaks if the dark gridlines for page breaks are not displayed.

Inserting a manual page break

If necessary, you have the option of manually inserting "hard" page breaks which override PlanMaker's automatic page breaks. To do so, choose the ribbon command Layout | group Page setup | Page break. In the dropdown menu of this command, you will find the following options:

For horizontal page break

Insert before row inserts a horizontal page break above the current row.

Delete before row deletes such a page break. Navigate to a cell located directly below the page break before selecting this command.

With the options Move break one row up/down, you can change the position of the page break by one row at a time. Navigate to a cell located directly below the page break before selecting this option.

Note: The latter options are only enabled after you have inserted a horizontal page break.

For vertical page break

Insert before column inserts a vertical page break to the left of the current column.

Delete before column deletes such a page break. Navigate to a cell located directly to the right of the page break before selecting this option.

With the options Move break one column left/right, you can change the position of the page break by one column at a time. Navigate to a cell located directly to the right of the page break before selecting this option.

Note: The latter options are only enabled after you have inserted a horizontal page break.

The command Delete all page breaks removes all manually inserted page breaks again.

Tip: Using the "Page break preview"

FreeOffice: The Page break preview feature is not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice.

To visually check the page breaks, you can enable the option Page break preview on the ribbon tab View | group View. You will then see printout pages with their page numbers (displayed as "watermarks" which are not printed) clearly arranged with page breaks.

The area that is filled with data is automatically marked in white by PlanMaker and thus – without further adjustments – leads to the displayed printout pages.

Adjusting manual page break with the mouse

You can manually adjust the vertical/horizontal page breaks in the Page break view by dragging a page break (recognizable by the green dashed line) while holding down the left mouse button. The page break line will change to a red line, indicating that the automatic page break will become a manual one. The page numbers are recalculated in the process.

The manual page break adjusted in this manner does the following:

By moving a page break with the mouse, for example, you can now enlarge the range that will be on a page when printing.

In the dialog box Page setup (see Setting page format options), the Scaling mode is automatically set to the option Use fixed scaling factor and the value for Scaling (%) is adjusted to the changed page ranges.

Explanation: The value for Scaling (%) is never scaled up by moving the page breaks with the mouse. However, you can enter a higher scaling value here so that a small page range is enlarged when displayed on a printed page.

Above this (in the same dialog box), a Print range is defined automatically if you have moved the outer edges of the white shaded area with the mouse.

Resetting manual page breaks

To reset the page breaks (that you have changed with the mouse) to their original state, you can proceed as follows:

Open the dialog box Page setup (see Setting page format options). Here, set the value for Scaling (%) back to 100% and, if necessary, remove the newly created Print range in the input field above.