Page setup

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Page setup

In this section, you will learn about the options available for formatting a worksheet for printing.

The following topics are covered:

Setting page format

On the ribbon tab Layout | group Page setup, you can set the page format for the current worksheet. This includes settings such as page size, page orientation (portrait or landscape) and page margins.

Setting page format options

In the dialog box of the ribbon tab Layout | group Page setup group_arrow, you will find various settings on the Options tab for page numbers, print order, etc., and you can specify which parts of the worksheet should be printed.

Setting up header and footer

You can use the command Header and footer on the ribbon tab Layout | group Page setup to add a header and/or footer to the document, which will be printed at the start or end of each printed page of the worksheet.

Adjusting page breaks manually

Page formatting also includes the option of manually controlling the automatic page break if necessary. This can be done with the command Page break on the ribbon tab Layout | group Page setup.

See the following pages for more information.