Portable slide show

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Portable slide show

FreeOffice: The Portable slide show function is not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice.

For various reasons, it is sometimes desirable to share an entire presentation with all associated files so that it can be played on another computer where SoftMaker Office is not installed. A free Presentations viewer can also be included in the resulting file package.

With the command Portable slide show, you can create all files required for the slide show as a file package in a folder on your computer and copy them to a CD/DVD from there. If you have a USB stick available as a storage medium, you can save the file package directly on the USB stick.

Note: A newly started presentation must first be saved.

To create a Portable slide show, proceed as follows:

1.Open Presentations and choose the command File | group Document | Export as dropdown_arrow | Portable slide show.
2.A dialog box appears.
3.In the Files to copy section, select the files or complete folders that you want to copy for your file package. Furthermore, you can also include any other file formats that you would like to share.
The arrow keys on the left side can be used to change the order of entries in the list. You can use the Remove button to remove files or folders from the list.
4.Make the desired settings in the Options section (see below).
5.Specify the Output folder in which the created file package should be saved.
6.Finally, confirm with the Copy to folder button. The file package is now created in the selected folder.

To start the slide show, double-click on the batch file play.bat in the output folder.

Setting options for the output files

The following settings are available in the Options section of the Portable slide show dialog box:

Add Presentations viewer

If this option is enabled, Presentations adds a viewing software (a simplified free version of Presentations) to the file package, which can be used to start the presentation even on computers where SoftMaker Office is not installed.
If the option is disabled, the slide show cannot be run on a computer that does not have the relevant software.

Mac version: The viewing software cannot be added here. Thus, the computer on which you start the slide show must have the relevant software.

Include media files

If you have inserted media objects (picture, sound or movie) into the presentation only as a link and have not saved them in the document (see Inserting media objects), media objects are copied along with the presentation if the option is enabled.

Change all documents into slide shows

Option enabled: The document is saved as a slide show so that the presentation starts as a "slide show" when it is opened. For more information, see Starting a slide show.
Option not enabled: The document is saved unchanged.

Copy used fonts

This option enables you to specify whether the fonts used in the document should be embedded for output.
If this option is enabled, the created slide show will be displayed on every computer in the fonts that were originally used, even if those fonts are not installed there. If it is disabled, the slide show will be displayed with automatically selected replacement fonts.

Create a playlist

Option enabled: The files play.bat and playlist.prl are created for the file package. As a result, you can start the slide show from the batch file (play.bat). The order of the documents is stored in the playlist (playlist.prl).
Option disabled: Playlist and batch file are not created. In this case, the slide show can then only be played by bypassing the standard procedures described above.